This week’s Wednesday class is a 20 minute beginners Yoga without Inversions class. This means the class won’t include any poses where the upper body or head goes below the lower body or heart – so no bridge poses, forward folds, handstands, downwards dogs etc.
Yoga without Inversions
Optional props for this class include a towel or yoga mat. However the class can be done without both if you like.
If you were after a yoga mat, I like Yogamatter’s mat – these are the mats I will be selling at the market. However, there are plenty of good mats out there.
Ujjayi Breath (Ocean’s Breath)
This is the audible breath, often used in yoga, especially in Vinyasa yoga where we tend to move breath to movement.
During the class I’ll explain how you can practice Ujjayi breath, but in a nutshell you breath in and out of your nose. On the exhale you want a slight constriction at the back of your throat. So you’ll sound a little like Darth Vader.
There are a lot of benefits to Ujjayi breath, however if you prefer you can return to your natural breath. Do what feels best for you.
Some of the benefits to Ujjayi breath include:
- Naturally slows down and deepens the breath. This can calm the nervous system, by engaging the parasympathetic (‘rest or digest’) nervous system.
- Focusing on the breath can help with our concentration in the pose. Allowing us to stay longer in the pose as well as helping with balancing poses.
- Provides relief when holding poses for a long period of time – when a pose starts to get difficult, Ujjayi breath can provide that release, to help you stay in the pose a little longer.

Other Classes in the Series
- Yoga without Kneeling
- Yoga without wrists
- Yoga without Arms
- Yoga without forward bends
- Yoga without shoulders
If you’re new to yoga and want some help getting started, then I’ve put together some free goodies especially for you. You can receive an email with all these goodies by signing up here.